Sweet & Smoky Strawberry Pizza
Sweet & Smoky Strawberry Pizza. Really, the name says it all.
I love pizza! (Who doesn’t?) I always have and have fond memories of our Saturday pizza night growing up. I’m not very good at keeping a weekly ritual (half the time I don’t even know what day of the week it is), but we do eat pizza fairly regularly. As we try to eat seasonally more and more, it’s only natural that our pizzas change with the calendar.
And when asparagus season finishes and pizza night no longer find us making Asparagus, Caramelized Onion, & Bacon Pizza, we can’t really be disappointed.
By then we’ve already started looking forward to this sweet & smoky pizza featuring beautiful bright red garden fresh strawberries. (No supermarket clamshell substitutions please.) Since Sweet & Smoky Strawberry Pizza is also sporting a sprinkling of bacon as well as caramelized onions, you know it’s got to be good! I love it with a hefty garnish of cilantro to complement the strawberry balsamic barbecue sauce!
This year our berry patch did horribly! They were rotting before they even ripened. It had been overgrown with weeds and mulched with cheap black plastic. We were finally able to get enough of the garden in that we could devote attention to the strawberries. We worked to get the weeds and plastic out and lay down the not-so-secret tip to keep STRAWberries from rotting even more. Sadly, it was too late to get much more of a harvest.
We didn’t compensate by going out to make some bulk purchase of local berries to put up for the year. I’m hoping that by going without that it will make us all the more hungry for them next year and work harder to take proper care of them in the future.
Homemade strawberry jam alone is a pretty big motivation in my opinion.
But I couldn’t let the season pass without enjoying 2 things:
2.) Sweet & Smoky Strawberry Balsamic Pizza
So long strawberry season! Hopefully, we’ll be seeing more of you in years to come!