homesteader network

A Local Homestead Network? 3 Reasons You Need One

Erin from Blue Yurt Farms is firing up an awesome project I know you’re all going to be just as excited about as I am! I believe when you get down to it, this is really how so many of us ended up writing about our homesteading lives and reading about others- our need for connectedness and community. Today she’s guest posting here to tell you all about it and why you need to be involved in a Homesteader Directory!  -Quinn

The power of a like-minded community is completely inspiring. When you apply it to homesteading, it can manifest as barn raising, jam making, chicken processing and homeschool outings. In many ways a homesteading lifestyle is freeing and sustainable.

But homesteading is also a lot of work, and can often become overwhelming or isolating. A problem solved by a local community of like-minded people.

That said, it can be REALLY hard to find a local community of homestead friends. Sure, there are more online homestead forums and Facebook groups than you can shake a fist at but it’s not always easy to determine who is close to where you live.

Which is why my husband and I are launching a homestead focused Kickstarter project called Homesteader Hub. We are experienced web developers and homesteaders — and can’t wait to create a super user friendly site that you can pop onto from your phone, tablet or computer, find people near you and then pop back off to go milk that goat, pick those tomatoes or just enjoy a quiet moment. There are enough time wasters online, we don’t want to add another.

But what we DO need is a way to bring this amazing nationwide homesteading community together. And that is how the Homesteader Hub idea was born. Together we can do great things!

Three Reasons Why a Local Homestead Network is Amazing

1. It provides an expanded “hub” of homestead resources
Want to switch to nonGMO animal feed? Not sure where to buy your next batch of laying hens? Want to start brewing your own kombucha and need a SCOBY? By having a regional network of like-minded homesteaders, you’re tapping into their personal networks and increasing your chances of getting the perfect solution!

2. A support system of like-minded people
Emergencies happen on homesteads, and it’s incredibly calming to know you have someone to call that knows the importance of putting chickens up at night, milking animals on a schedule and generally taking care of your homestead as if it were their own.

3. Homestead Collaborations
Have a big project on the homestead? Many hands make light work! Need an expensive homestead tool? Build or cost share the purchase for shared use, like Mike from Flying Pig Farm did in the below video with his community feather plucker.

Sounds awesome, but don’t know anyone local?

Help us share the Homesteader Hub project far and wide by first sharing this post with friends, family and fellow homesteaders. Then visit the Homesteader Hub kickstarter project page. Even if you contribute just $2 towards building the site, you’re helping us create a collaborative online space where we can ALL build our own local “hubs” of like-minded homesteaders. The sky is the limit!

Learn more about the Homesteader Hub project here.

And a big thank you to Quinn for sharing your online community with us! We absolutely love what you’re doing here.

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