Deodorant spray bottle on wood

Herbal Deodorant Spray Recipe

Finally! A natural, aluminum-free, herbal deodorant spray that works without skin-irritating baking soda!

Long ago, when I wrote with the warmth & snuggliness of my anonymity, I was able to share things such as my All-Natural Hair Care regime. I could have comfortably written about a deodorant spray without a second thought.

After numerous spousal blunders and slips (ironically he never reads here), I no longer am wrapped in that downy soft security blanket. Now mostly everyone I know has at one time or another read things they were never intended to see. They’ve plumbed the depths of my crunchy non-conformities. I’ve dealt with the panicked feeling that comes with the thought, “They think I don’t wash my hair,” time after time. When in fact, it is washing hair, just not with shampoo.

(I actually have been shampooing the past year. After years of successfully no-pooing, I was finding a ton of damage and split ends. So I got my hair cut and started shampooing to see if the baking soda & apple cider vinegar cleansing routine was the cause. It wasn’t. My damage is all back despite the awesome high-quality shampoo so I’m thinking my health is to blame. Thirteen solid years of pregnancy & nursing will do that to a body.)

Herbal Deodorant Spray (This is the best natural deodorant that I've ever tried!)

I might as well just get it off my chest and let it be known I don’t use normal deodorant anymore either. (Or conventional toothpaste for that matter.)

If I’m already seeing signals that I’m not as healthy as I could be, then I’m certainly not going to compound the problem by ingesting neuro-toxins (in the case of toothpaste). Or coating my largest organ (my skin) with metals that very well might cause cancer. If I am sweating & stinking from it, then my body is telling me it needs to get rid of something. And I want it to stop, then I need to give it a hand and expedite the process.

But just because one shares a recipe for an awesome DIY herbal deodorant, it doesn’t necessarily mean that one is dealing with body odor troubles, does it?

I think the only thing that has been more challenging to me than dealing with my hair completely changing after having had babies has been finding something to work with body odor. Ugh. Is that not seriously embarrassing to admit, or what? Part of me really wants to keep that info to myself, but I’d be cheating you out of my favorite natural herbal deodorant recipe. See the things I do for you?

My struggles most assuredly are related to the babies. Either the beginning, the end, or after a pregnancy (depends on which one we’re talking about) will have me wondering why what I’ve been using isn’t working anymore. So I know it’s hormonal. Believe it or not, it first started while I was using regular store-bought deodorant and I found that if I didn’t use any deodorant at all, there was no issue. For the longest time, I went deodorant-free.

Eventually, another baby changed things and I started trying to make my own. Having learned about the long-term safety issues related to using aluminum deodorants, I was no longer comfortable directly applying those toxins to my skin. It was worth it to take a few minutes and mix up a batch when I needed one.

After trying a plethora of different recipes, I made this herbal deodorant spray just like you would a medicinal tincture (which is incredibly easy.)

I made two batches of herbal deodorant spray to start with and after I use one up, I’ll make another to replace it so I never run out. It lasts for several months, so it’s not a big deal at all.

I’ve been using this recipe for herbal deodorant spray over a year. It is by far my favorite that I’ve ever tried. There’s no underarm irritation like with baking soda, nor worrying if it will melt, no staining of clothes.

Herbal Deodorant Spray (This is the best natural deodorant that I've ever tried!)

All of the ingredients are known, herbal deodorizers, many of which you can grow in your own backyard and even then it’s quite customizable. I’ve used lemons instead of limes, lovage, clary sage, all would work nicely. You could experiment with witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, or colloidal silver.

Another excellent addition to this deodorant would be magnesium chloride flakes. Make your tincture and dissolve 1 part magnesium chloride flakes to 1 part tincture. It would seem that most people are deficient in magnesium. And topically is the best way to supplement your diet because there are fewer side effects. Low magnesium levels in the body may be a cause of body odor so this addition would work to resolve an underlying issue. (Be forewarned, magnesium chloride causes a bit of tingling on the skin of some people. It’s not painful or anything and it goes away after a few minutes.)

I’ve tried to come up with an essential oils blend that compliments the herbs nicely and packs an extra punch. Lavender & Tea Tree are probably already in your EO stash so definitely start with them. Add some Clary Sage or Anise Seed for its deodorizing effects. Even there you still have choices. I’d probably go with an addition of Patchouli for men & Lemongrass (or Lime) for ladies. (Lime is more deodorizing.)

I would give any change in your deodorant routine a few weeks to allow your body to adjust. Especially if you’ve been using a deodorant that has been blocking your pores, you might find there is a detox period. Though I don’t care for the scent of patchouli on myself, it is known to eliminate toxins and I might use it in my first batch to get the detox process going more quickly.

Herbal Deodorant Spray

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Deodorant spray bottle on wood

All-Natural Herbal Deodorant Spray Recipe

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  1. Measure out the herbs & citrus peels into a pint sized mason jar.
  2. Cover them with vodka and top with a lid.
  3. Set the jar aside in a place where you’ll remember to give it a shaking once a day for about a month.
  4. When it’s ready, strain the herbs from the tincture, funnel some into a spray bottle.
  5. If using magnesium chloride, add it to the tincture and stir or shake until it has dissolved.
  6. Add your essential oil blend and colloidal silver if you’re using it.
  7. Place the remainder of the tincture in a cupboard until you’re ready to use it.
  8. Shake the spray bottle vigorously prior to each application to mix in the oils (otherwise they’ll just uselessly sit at the top.)
  • Author: Reformation Acres

I think that it’s important to really consider the things that your skin absorbs. We’re called to care for our bodies as a temple. (That’s why I love handcrafting all-natural soaps.) With our unique bodies, their unique chemistries, and the things we continue to expose them means that while this deodorant works well for me, it may not for you. I would encourage you to keep searching till you find one that does!

If you have found a natural recipe or product that works well for you, share a link in the comments!

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  1. I have always wanted an herb garden, unfortunately, I cannot seem to keep them alive. May I use dried sage and thyme or should I fork out the money and buy those little packets of fresh herbs at the grocery store?
    Thank you for your time,

    1. You can use dried herbs! I want to think the ratio is ⅓ of the quantity of herbs when dried. Just make sure they’re high quality (usually smell really good with good color.)

    1. You could make a glycerine extract with glycerin, but they’re not quite as effective at drawing out the herbal properties. A glycerine has a shelf life of up to 2 years while an alcohol tincture could last 5 years.

  2. I've tried it with witch hazel before and it just doesn't seem as potent. I know some folks who swear that the alcohol alone works, but I like the extra insurance. 😉 I'm just glad I'm not the only one who worries that everyone will think I'm off my rocker, but I have high hopes it will pay off when I'm older and still healthy 🙂 Thanks!

  3. I'm so glad I found your blog! We seem to have a lot of similar habits and hobbies!! (I also totally related with you being panicked about everyone knowing you stopped shampooing! I went through the same thing when I started posting about it on my blog since I was never annonomous and everyone I knew was commenting on it…hahaha so stressful!) So far for deodorant, I've tried witch hazel + teatree oil roll on and then a dust of arrowroot powder to help keep me dry….which was okayyy…and then I just went the convenient route and started buying aluminum free deodorant that was supposedly "natural" but who really knows. I've been wanting to try some other recipes and this looks awesome! I was never a fan of the coconut oil idea because of the fear of staining my clothes!!

  4. I started adding organic frankincense eo to my homemade deodorant. It is anticancer and I found it more effective than lavender eo. Love that your recipe uses herbs from the garden, too.

    1. Thank you for the link Sarah! I rarely (like I don’t remember the last time rarely) use EO’s on my kids. I tend to prefer herbal, plant-based medicine like teas & tinctures and would always appreciate a solid slap on the wrist if ever you catch me seeming to advocate their inappropriate use.

      1. Hey! No problem 🙂 I know you tend to be pretty respectful of essential oils as being Serious Stuff, but I also know that people everywhere recommend tea tree and lavender oils for everything, so I try to comment where I can that this stuff has a real impact–and sometimes has more effects than we’d plan on.