How to Naturally Treat Scours in Livestock?
The last time we had a calf with scours, we all ended up with e-coli poisoning. That is why I learned how to naturally treat scours in livestock.
The last time we had a calf with scours, we all ended up with e-coli poisoning. That is why I learned how to naturally treat scours in livestock.
Many naturalists believe farmers are the closest to God since they earn their living from interacting with various aspects of nature such as soil, plants and livestock. The founding fathers of our great nation shared an almost similar view. Benjamin Franklin stated there are three ways a nation can generate wealth; war, commerce and agriculture….
Farmers and homesteaders alike have a need to protect their livestock from predators. Since there are so many variables to consider–from the type of livestock you have, your property, resources, and the local predators–it can be tough figuring out an effective way to keep your animals safe. To share this image on your site: <p><strong>Please…
I’ve been reading Ben Falk’s The Resilient Farm and Homestead the past few weeks as I try to get a vision for how we can best steward this land. I like that it goes beyond permaculture concepts. It also talks about a practical implementation on a small scale. (His farm is 10 acres.) But when I…
I never really gave pasture management and rotational grazing any thought when we first started raising livestock. You just throw them in a pasture and they’ll eat. The grass will grow back and repeat, right? Same as a lawnmower. (Except you’re new mower doubles as fertilizer.) I’ve spent most of my life living in farm country,…
This second method of hay feeding and manure management is to systematically feed the cows right on the ground. The hay gets spread out in short rows covering strips of ground.