homestead printables 4 sheets

Peek Into My Homesteading Binder {VIDEO}

Video Tour of my Homesteading Binder

With the end of the first month of the new year, it’s time for me to manage my Homesteading Binder, swapping out record sheets for fresh new ones to fill in over the next few weeks!

I thought it would be helpful for those of you who downloaded the Homestead Printables to see how I put them together and use them so you can get an idea of how you’d like to do it or what changes you can make so that it’s even more efficient for your homestead!

Learn More about Using a Homesteading Binder:

7 Reasons to Keep Homestead Records
Why We Keep Homestead Records
How to Use a Homestead Management Binder
Homestead Printables

Video Tour of my Homesteading Binder

Additional Resources

Video Tour of my Homesteading Binder

Last update on 2025-02-17 at 17:59 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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  1. Quinn, I am writing a blog on organization and I would love to mention your blog and include a link to your Easy shop for your printables. I wondered if I could use one of the photos off your site? I love your organizations skills!
    – Nancy

  2. Just ordered All Flesh is Grass. Thanks for the advice. Any help (or blog posts…hint, hint!) on pasture building would be wonderful. I used to order The Stockman Grass Farmer and found it ridiculously over my head. I needed grass farming 101. Also, who do you use for your BVD, Johnes, etc. testing? Our friends that run Jersey Acres Raw Milk Dairy in Florida here use Bob White Systems. Wondered if you had experience with anyone else and if you recommend them? I know Bob White also does pregnancy testing.

    1. I feel over my head on the subject too Kelli. There is so much to learn & everyone seems to have a different opinion. I think too, like with gardening, different areas, micro-climates, soil health, stocking density, livestock types, etc… all figure into what you should be doing. That book is very approachable & I found it quite interesting- I looked forward to reading it (and getting his other books 😉 )

  3. Quinn, I’m giving some advice about dealing with influenza given to me by an ARNP. The sick one is the only one to touch their dishes. If there is no dishwasher, you should wear gloves and use hot, hot water. All used tissues should be emptied into the trash by them. One hand towel for them alone in the bathroom. Any clothing removed is placed by them directly into the washer. This kept the rest of us healthy.

  4. I really enjoyed seeing this Quinn. I do not keep as many records as you and I really enjoyed seeing how you organise everything. I hope you guys are gping well. I’m just catching up here now. Have a lovely day!

    1. Yeah, I might have a touch of OCD, huh? I blame it on Bill. His pendulum is swung so far the other way that I have to be in order to compensate for his lack of organization & planning. 😉 We’re doing alright- actually are dealing with the flu for the first time in my entire career as a mother… and I can’t even think of where it came from cause we haven’t been anywhere in over a week. Oh well. It’s not that bad and seriously? First time in 17 years? I’m not complaining!! Hope YOU guys are doing well! 😀 Blessings to you all!

  5. Fabulouso! Thanks so much Quinn! I have something similar, but now that we’ve “gone big”, I’ve been overwhelmed with how to keep track of everything from feed, to eggs, and now 2 cows being bred. Thanks for taking the time to do this. I ordered the custom binder pages and bought my binder, now to put it all together and make it WORK! Execution is key I guess, huh? 🙂 Blessings!

    1. It’s awful feeling overwhelmed by what’s supposed to be making your life more pleasurable, isn’t it? Hoping you are able to get into a good groove and that it does work for you! <3

  6. I had bought your packet just before the new year and I started implementing it at the start of the year. I have been needing this, I love how easy this really is to use. I actually feel organized for the start of this gardening season. I know exactly what I have for seeds and what my animals are doing or needing. What I didn’t even think about was adding the kids schooling papers that need filing in a pocket right in my binder. I feel like I am making piles through the day of their papers that need filed. Thank you for doing this it is very helpful and so easy to adapt to our needs.

    1. This is so good to hear Jenny! Thanks so much for sharing how well these are working for you! What an encouragement that is to me- I hope your homestead continues to run smoothly as the year starts to pick up the pace! Blessings 🙂